Опубликован 2025-01-22



The article presents the experimental pedagogical work the school teachers used when writing papers for the highest qualification category. The educational products of the internship site are not only the expositions created, the lessons conducted, but also the speeches of teachers at scientific and practical conferences of various levels, written abstracts on this topic, seminars for practical teachers.

Как цитировать

Махмадражабова, М. (2025). THE IMPORTANCE OF SOLVING SIMPLE AND COMPLEX PROBLEMS IN CHEMISTRY. Журнал естественных наук, 1(18), 17–20. извлечено от https://presedu.jdpu.uz/index.php/natscience/article/view/10514

Библиографические ссылки

Муминова, Н. И., & Бойхурозова, М. В. (2024). Муминова Наргиза Исатуллаевна доцент: ПРОВЕДЕНИЕ ИГРОВЫХ МЕТОДОВ НА УРОКАХ ХИМИИ. Журнал естественных наук, 1(1 (14)).

Muminova, N. I., & Butayorova, M. S. (2024). SUBSTANCES AROUND US. Modern Scientific Research International Scientific Journal, 2(3), 80-84.

Isatullaevna, M. N., Kovulovich, A. N., & Barotovna, M. F. (2024). Monitoring Toxic Gases and its Safety for the Environment. Miasto Przyszłości, 47, 1017-1018.

Muminova, N., & Abdullaev, N. (2022, June). Sensor for control of hydrogen fluoride content in a gas medium. In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 2432, No. 1, p. 050024). AIP Publishing LLC

Sidikova, K., Muminova, N., & Abdurakhmanov, E. (2024). Synthesis of porous gas materials for a semiconductor carbon (ii) oxide sensor and their investigation. In E3S Web of Conferences (Vol. 474, p. 01023). EDP Sciences.

Abdurakhmanov, E., Eshkabilova, M. E., Muminova, N. I., Sidikova, K. G., & Pardaeva, S. M. (2022). Template Synthesis of Nanomaterials based on Titanium and Cadmium Oxides by the Sol-Gel Method, Study of their Possibility of Application As A Carbon Monoxide Sensor (II). Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results, 1343-1350.

Muminova, N., Sidikova, K., & Abdurakhmanov, E. (2024). Investigation of teos hydrolytic polycondensation in the synthesis of gas-sensitive films for a semiconductor carbon (II) oxide sensor. In E3S Web of Conferences (Vol. 474, p. 01021). EDP Sciences.

Sidikova, K. G., Abdurakhmanov, I. E., Mumunova, N. I., Kholboev, O. N., & Abdurakhmanov, E. (2020, May). Development and research of metrological characteristics of selective thermocatalytic methane (natural gas) sensor. In IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (Vol. 862, No. 6, p. 062102). IOP Publishing.


Мужгона Махмадражабова

Джизакский государственный педагогический университет



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