The author of the article singled out the leading aspects of the activities of musical circles at school and considered them in a broad socio-pedagogical context, analyzed conceptual ideas and approaches, among them he singled out alternative directions in the field of musical education of schoolchildren, showed their coherence. In the article, the author described the influence of musical theories and trends on the development of new music education programs that affect the development of a child's personality. According to the author, musical literacy is the ability to perceive music as a living, figurative art, born from life and inextricably linked with it, it is a kind of sense of music, perceived emotionally, it is the ability to distinguish between good and bad, hear the nature of music and feel the inner connection between it and the nature of her performance, this is the ability to recognize the composer by ear and much more.
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Библиографические ссылки
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Gulkhayyo Dustmukhammedova
Jizzakh State Pedagogical University
Ключевые слова:
musical circle, education, personality, harmony, perception, feeling, classical music, sense of beauty, emotional, figurative.Выпуск
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