In the article, the author regards pairs of such vocabulary units, which are usually defined in lexicology as double forms, as absolute or complete synonyms. The main idea of the publication is that by examining such lexical pairs they reveal such functional properties of their members that would allow abandoning the characterization of such units as absolutely identical doublets. Using the material of English nouns marked as absolute synonyms in specialist publications and dictionaries, we show that in many cases there is a differentiation of members of lexical pairs that takes them beyond the boundaries of doublet units. It turns out that due to the semantic and formal redundancy of such language forms, many absolute synonyms not only do not disintegrate in their function, as linguists predict but also exist for a long time without any perceived desire for transformation. There are factors (reasons) in the language that contribute to the functioning of absolute synonyms. The analysis shows that the set of doublet forms of existence-promoting factors is specific on the one hand for units with terminological characters and on the other hand for absolute synonyms with a common character.
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Библиографические ссылки
Tulaboyevna, T. G., & Mukhiddin ogli, M. H. (2023, January). SYMBОLS IN СURRЕNT MОDЕRN LINGUISTIСS. In Proceedings of International Conference on Modern Science and Scientific Studies (Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 15-20).
Tulaboyevna, T. G., & Mukhiddin ogli, M. H. (2023, January). LЕXIСОLОGIСАL АNАLYSIS ОF TЕRMS IN THЕ FIЕLD ОF СОNSTRUСTIОN IN ЕNGLISH. In Proceedings of International Conference on Scientific Research in Natural and Social Sciences (Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 166-172).
Zairjanovna, S. D., Tulaboevna, T. G., Mirsharapovna, S. Z., & Allovidinovna, I. D. (2022). FEATURES OF TRANSLATION OF MOVIE TITLE FROM ENGLISH TO UZBEK. Journal of new century innovations, 18(3), 179-185.
Sayitova Iroda Shuhrat kizi, Tulaboeva Gulorom Tulaboevna, Saydaliyeva Dilfuza Zairjanovna, & Yuldasheva Mamura Bahtiyarovna. (2022). ENGLISH AND UZBEK TRADITIONS, COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS. Academicia Globe: Inderscience Research, 3(12), 39–44. Retrieved from https://agir.academiascience.org/index.php/agir/article/view/995
Mirsharapovna, S. Z., Allovidinovna, I. D., Zairjanovna, S. D., & Tulaboevna, T. G. (2022). INTERNET MEME AS A MEANS OF COMMUNICATION. Journal of new century innovations, 18(3), 193-199.
Allovidinovna, I. D., Zairjanovna, S. D., Tulaboevna, T. G., & Mirsharapovna, S. Z. (2022). COMPARISON OF WORD-FORMATION SYSTEMS IN ENGLISH AND RUSSIAN LANGUAGES. Journal of new century innovations, 18(3), 200-208.
Tulaboevna, T. G., Mirsharapovna, S. Z., Allovidinovna, I. D., & Zairjanovna, S. D. (2022). FOREIGN LANGUAGE TEACHING IN THE CONDITIONS OF INFORMATIZATION OF EDUCATION. Journal of new century innovations, 18(3), 186-192.
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Zairjanovna, S. D., Mamadjanovna, K. M., Salaxiddinovna, M. G., & Tulaboevna, T. G. (2022). Grade-Free Learning System as A Means of Creating a Psychologically Comfortable Educational Environment in the Class to Motivate a Child to Successful Learning Activities. Eurasian Research Bulletin, 14, 17-20.
Salaxiddinovna, M. G., Tulaboevna, T. G., Zairjanovna, S. D., & Mamadjanovna, K. M. (2022). Emotional Self-Regulation of the Behavior of Pedagogical Workers in the System of Integrated (Inclusive) Education. Texas Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies, 14, 17-20.
Tulaboevna, T. G., Zairjanovna, S. D., Mamadjanovna, K. M., & Salaxiddinovna, M. G. (2022). Model of the Development of the Legal Culture of Children of the Risk Group in the Conditions of the Organization of Additional Education. Texas Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies, 14, 13-16.
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Tulaboyevna, T. G., & Zairzhanovna, S. D. (2022). STUDENT INTEREST CRITERIA IN THE PROCESS OF LEARNING ENGLISH. Uzbek Scholar Journal, 9, 206-207.
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Sayitova Iroda Shuhrat kizi, Tulaboeva Gulorom Tulaboevna, Saydaliyeva Dilfuza Zairjanovna, & Yuldasheva Mamura Bahtiyarovna. (2022). ENGLISH AND UZBEK TRADITIONS, COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS. Academicia Globe: Inderscience Research, 3(12), 39–44. Retrieved from https://agir.academiascience.org/index.php/agir/article/view/995
Mirsharapovna, S. Z., Allovidinovna, I. D., Zairjanovna, S. D., & Tulaboevna, T. G. (2022). INTERNET MEME AS A MEANS OF COMMUNICATION. Journal of new century innovations, 18(3), 193-199.
Allovidinovna, I. D., Zairjanovna, S. D., Tulaboevna, T. G., & Mirsharapovna, S. Z. (2022). COMPARISON OF WORD-FORMATION SYSTEMS IN ENGLISH AND RUSSIAN LANGUAGES. Journal of new century innovations, 18(3), 200-208.
Tulaboevna, T. G., Mirsharapovna, S. Z., Allovidinovna, I. D., & Zairjanovna, S. D. (2022). FOREIGN LANGUAGE TEACHING IN THE CONDITIONS OF INFORMATIZATION OF EDUCATION. Journal of new century innovations, 18(3), 186-192.
Zairjanovna, S. D., Mamadjanovna, K. M., Salaxiddinovna, M. G., & Tulaboevna, T. G. (2022). Grade-Free Learning System as A Means of Creating a Psychologically Comfortable Educational Environment in the Class to Motivate a Child to Successful Learning Activities. Eurasian Research Bulletin, 14, 17-20.
Mamadjanovna, K. M., Salaxiddinovna, M. G., Tulaboevna, T. G., & Zairjanovna, S. D. (2022). Current Problems of Training Pedagogical Staff for the Implementation of Inclusive Education. Eurasian Research Bulletin, 14, 12-16.
Tulaboevna, T. G., Zairjanovna, S. D., Mamadjanovna, K. M., & Salaxiddinovna, M. G. (2022). Model of the Development of the Legal Culture of Children of the Risk Group in the Conditions of the Organization of Additional Education. Texas Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies, 14, 13-16.
Salaxiddinovna, M. G., Tulaboevna, T. G., Zairjanovna, S. D., & Mamadjanovna, K. M. (2022). Emotional Self-Regulation of the Behavior of Pedagogical Workers in the System of Integrated (Inclusive) Education. Texas Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies, 14, 17-20.
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Tulaboyevna, T. G., & Zairzhanovna, S. D. (2022). STUDENT INTEREST CRITERIA IN THE PROCESS OF LEARNING ENGLISH. Uzbek Scholar Journal, 9, 206-207.
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Tulabaeva, G., & Saydaliyeva, D. (2020). THE IMPORTANCE OF PROVERBS AND SAYINGS UZBEK AND ENGLISH LANGUAGES. Экономика и социум, (3), 124-126.
Тулабаева, Г. Т., & Сайдалиева, Д. З. (2020). К вопросу выбора методов обучения английскому языку в неязыковых вузах. Academy, (2 (53)), 30-32.
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Gulorom Tulaboyeva
Ключевые слова:
triplet, accompany, doublet, doublet, stylistically, peculiarities, terminological.Выпуск
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