Опубликован 2022-12-14



In this article, an analysis of the possibility of training groups of high-jumper girls' sports results of our country is made, and the analysis of the possibility of step-by-step growth of the sports results of high-jumper girls of our country is widely covered.

Как цитировать

Tokhtaboev, N. (2022). ANALYSIS OF THE POSSIBILITY OF A STAGED GROWTH OF SPORTS RESULTS OF COUNTRY HIGH JUMPS BY PREPARATORY GROUPS. Журнал иностранных языков и лингвистики, 6(6), 28–35. извлечено от https://presedu.jdpu.uz/index.php/fll/article/view/7339

Библиографические ссылки

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Nizom Tokhtaboev

Physical Education and Sports Science Research Institute

Ключевые слова:

Types of high jump, complex training of athletes, physical development, sports results.

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