This article is about implementing system of intellectual development of students in foreign language classes.
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Библиографические ссылки
. Donaldson, M 1978 Children's Minds Collins Underwood, M 1987 Effective Class Management
. Longman Wright, A 1984 1000 Pictures for Teachers to Copy Collins Picture dictionaries for general use in your classroom:
. Abbs, В 1987 The Longman Picture Workbook Longman Burridge, S 1985 Start with Words and Pictures Oxford University Press
. Crowther, R 3978 The Most Amazing Hide and Seek Alphabet Book
. Kestrel Eastman, P D 1964 The Cat in the Hat Beginner Book
. Dictionary Collins and Harvill Endeavour Picture Dictionary 1979 The Jacaranda Press, Australia
. Hill, L A and Innes, С 1981 Oxford Children's Picture Dictionary Oxford University Press Longman Elementary Dictionary 1987 Longman (Good for ten year olds upwards) Nelson, A and Hale, S 1979 The Oxford Picture Word Book
. Oxford University Press Parnwell, E С 1988 The New Oxford English Picture [9]. Dictionary Oxford University Press (American English) Rosenthal, M and Freeman, D 1987 Longman Photo Dictionary Longman
. Wagner Schimpff, J 1982 Open Sesame Picture Dictionary Oxford University Press (American English) Wright, A 1985 Collins Picture Dictionary for Young Learners Collins ELT
Dildora Qobulova
Jizzakh State Pedagogical University
Ключевые слова:
classroom management, abilities, attitude, open-minded, adaptable, surroundings, responsibility, display board.Выпуск
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