Опубликован 2022-11-03



This article is about implementing system of intellectual development of students in foreign language classes.

Как цитировать

Qobulova, D. (2022). SYSTEM OF INTELLECTUAL DEVELOPMENT OF STUDENTS IN FOREIGN LANGUAGE CLASSES. Журнал иностранных языков и лингвистики, 6(6), 155–166. извлечено от https://presedu.jdpu.uz/index.php/fll/article/view/6725

Библиографические ссылки

. Donaldson, M 1978 Children's Minds Collins Underwood, M 1987 Effective Class Management

. Longman Wright, A 1984 1000 Pictures for Teachers to Copy Collins Picture dictionaries for general use in your classroom:

. Abbs, В 1987 The Longman Picture Workbook Longman Burridge, S 1985 Start with Words and Pictures Oxford University Press

. Crowther, R 3978 The Most Amazing Hide and Seek Alphabet Book

. Kestrel Eastman, P D 1964 The Cat in the Hat Beginner Book

. Dictionary Collins and Harvill Endeavour Picture Dictionary 1979 The Jacaranda Press, Australia

. Hill, L A and Innes, С 1981 Oxford Children's Picture Dictionary Oxford University Press Longman Elementary Dictionary 1987 Longman (Good for ten year olds upwards) Nelson, A and Hale, S 1979 The Oxford Picture Word Book

. Oxford University Press Parnwell, E С 1988 The New Oxford English Picture [9]. Dictionary Oxford University Press (American English) Rosenthal, M and Freeman, D 1987 Longman Photo Dictionary Longman

. Wagner Schimpff, J 1982 Open Sesame Picture Dictionary Oxford University Press (American English) Wright, A 1985 Collins Picture Dictionary for Young Learners Collins ELT


Dildora Qobulova

Jizzakh State Pedagogical University

Ключевые слова:

classroom management, abilities, attitude, open-minded, adaptable, surroundings, responsibility, display board.

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