This article aims to reveal the lexical-semantic features of phraseological units in English and determine their emotional-expressive features. Furthermore, one of the main goals of this article is to illustrate semantic analysis in translation as there are some difficulties in consequence of meaning differences.
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Библиографические ссылки
Tilavova, M. (2021). INVERSION IS A BRIDGE TO THE WONDERS OF THE LANGUAGE WORLD. Журнал иностранных языков и лингвистики, 2(3).
Haydarov A., Choriyeva Z. Ingliz tilida frazeologik birliklarning semantik-grammatik va uslubiy harakatlari.
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Yan Xizenga “Haqiqiy hayot uchun hikoyalar va iboralar” Oksford university media. 2000.
Tilavova, M. (2020). Language is a bridge to the wonders of the world. Журнал дошкольного образования, (1).
Internet recources
Malika Tilavova
Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute
Ключевые слова:
Phraseological units, context, semantic problem, pragmatics, derivations, emotional, evaluation, communicative situation, interpersonal relationships, specific intensitiesВыпуск
Раздел: Статьи
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